11-21-97 1:56
p.m. EST
Subject: Please read...this e-mail I received today
Please read this and send it on!
My 11 year old daughter Andre' was kidnapped from our home in Twin Lake, MI on June 17, 1997. The person who took her is 44 years old and was my daughter's best friends dad. Dean Metcalfe came to our home while my husband and I were at work and took her. Andre' was not afraid of Dean being that he was her best friends dad.
Andre' is a strong willed, level headed, honor roll, popular, happy, giggly, silly, beautiful 11 year old girl. Deans daughter did not live with Dean but he had visitation rights to her on the weekends.
We had no idea he had been charged back in the early 1980's for raping young girls because the charges where dropped due to lack of evidence. Dean Metcalfe is in Oaks Correctional Facility serving 2 life sentences for molesting a 7 and an 11 year old.
We cannot charge him with out finding Andre'. He was arrested two days after he stole our daughter but she was not with him.
Andre' knew her grandma was coming to our house to take her shopping for the day at 10:30 am on June 17, 1997. We don't know what he did or told Andre' to get her to go with him. He has admitted to killing her but says he can not remember where he left her body. We have no evidence to prove she is dead so we have to search for her both ways. We also need lots of prayers to go on searching and living.
Andre' Bosse was born November 11, 1985
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5 feet 2 inches
Weight: 120 pounds
Andre' often wears Chicago Bulls hats, t-shirts and Bull coats.
She could be in the company with someone in Alabama, Louisiana, Florida or anywhere!
Please help us bring Andre' home!
HUNTERS: Please be on the look out for Andre' while in the woods. At the
time of her abduction she was wearing Brittiania blue jeans 30-32, black
Nike tennis shoes (Boys size 5 1/2) a white t-shirt with Jamaica written on
the front in bright colors. She also had a green trifold velcro close wallet with $60.00 in it.
Any one with any information please call (anonymous)1-800-717-0111 access
code 99 or Michigan State Police at 1-616-842-2100 or write to:
> Andre' Bosse Foundation
> 832 Whitelake Drive
> Twin Lake, MI 49457
Again, please send this letter on to everyone you can think of.
Thank you for your help and support!
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