Prayer Requests Answered in this Room
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February 26th - Naples, Fl
The 'Madonna'
Clearwater FL December 1996 See Related Story
Daily ** Guideposts
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to Prayer
One night a man had a dream. He dreamed he was walking along the beach with the LORD. Across the sky flashed scenes from his life. For each scene, he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand; one belonged to him, and the other to the LORD. When the last scene of his life flashed before him, he looked back at the footprints in the sand. He noticed that many times along the path of his life there was only one set of footprints. He also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times in his life. This really bothered him and he questioned the LORD about it."LORD, you said that once I decided to follow you, you'd walk with me all the way. But I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life, there is only one set of footprints. I don't understand why when I needed you most you would leave me." The LORD replied, "My precious, precious child, I love you and I would never leave you. During your times of trial and suffering, when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you." |
"In the Garden" 'HE' Walks with me, 'HE' Talks to me.
Prayers & Sunshine
February 1st - 28th 1998 For
all troubles hanging on the
Tree" For all Prayer requests left
in the
Guestbook. And last
but not least to all the folks who left
Gripes **
2/26Father in Heaven
help them understand your plan.. Please pray for me and my family. We lost
our beloved daughter Stephanie Alexis to a drowning accident on June 10th
1997. She was 17 years old, and we miss her so very much. I am trying to
understand God's plan. We all still walk around wondering what happened,
and where is she now? Is she happy? Why can't we know that our loved ones
are happy? What is God's plan when we lose a child? Thank you
for praying for me and my family. [email protected]
<[email protected]>
2/26 Michelle
<[email protected]> For her boyfriend to find a job.
2/26 Julie Bryant
<[email protected]>
2/26Larry &
Marjorie Rice <[email protected]> May they have continued happiness.
2/26Karen Houston
<[email protected]> For a new church and family.
2/26Health and
peace of mind for my daughter, Cara and son, Gino. Hoping the best for my
country, especially in the forthcoming elections. Mabuhay Philippines! Love
you all. E. Gonzaga <[email protected]>
2/26 Tonya
<[email protected]> Please pray for my best friend Tony's
sister Karen who just had her poor little teeth pulled. Pray that all will
be well, and she will have no pain
ME. MARJORIE COOPER <[email protected]>
2/24Prayer for
a very serious event that will be happening in my Life soon. Thank you!!
Cynthia <Cyn2@aol,com>
for Bob from A friend
2/24Regina Laraby
and family <[email protected]>
2/24Sister and
son of Gail and friends Sylvia and Larry to help them be strong.
<[email protected]>
2/18Dear Heavenly
Father,I pray that you will guide the Oklahoma State in the decision of little
Destiny ,that she will be placed in the safety of her daddy ,Devon, and that
he will bring her to know your love. Love , Desi's Grandma
2/18Please add,
'Margie Snyder' to your prayer list, she has ovarian cancer.....prayers have
helped her beat the odds....she has passed the doctors predictions of a year
and a half by more than a year, but more prayers are always better. She is
having a hard time because her last bout of Chemo really caused some p roblems
with weakness, numbness and tingling in her feet, legs and hands.Thank you!
Linda Swearingen <[email protected]>
2/18Prayers for
my brother who needs a job and is having a very challenging time. Also for
two of my sons thank you. Judy <[email protected]>
2/18 What a great joy
to open a site and find a prayer line!! God Bless you all and keep the Faith.
Judy <[email protected]>
2/18Prayer for My Mother
who will be having a difficult week as this would be the week that My Dad's
b-day would be and his death followed shortly after his b-day so she needs
lots of prayers. Thank you Mary Anne USA -
2/17Prayer request
for Becky, for a heart transplant. dorisw
<[email protected]>
2/13Am starting a new
job. Need God's help with the orientation process and a rude & hurtful
supervisor. Bernadette Chiaramonte <[email protected]>
** 2/13 Danny
Roberts, JR. Please Pray for Him!
Thank You, Pam
Please Pray that Bea and Loris
Hearts will be softened.Thank You, Pam
** 2/13 Prayers for a Safe journey for LM
Prayers for a successful surgery back surgery for LM Vredenburgh's
sister-in-law, Debbie.Thursday,
Feb. 19th LM Vredenburgh
For healing for friend Ed, with a serious thyroid
problem.LM Vredenburgh
For continued healing of
relationships.LM Vredenburgh
Thanks and God bless you all. Your site is great! Keep up the good work there.LM Vredenburgh
** 2-11/98
Pray for Joyce Dorsey, and my
son, Kevin Smith, and my
daughter, Janine Smith. Sunshine
for grandchildren: Katherine,
Maria, Joey and Kimberly (son's children) Collin and Christian Hoffman
(daughter's children) Joyce Dorsey <[email protected]>
** 2-11/98
Pray for Carol and Jim Whitman
of Phoenix First Assembly in Arizona, that they can get their home sold within
60 days [email protected] (Jim Whitman Whitman)
Special prayer for my best friend,
Trish . I just pray that God will help her and guide her! I just want her
to be happy!!!! Jodi <[email protected]>
**2-06/98 Prayers for Hugh and Roiella
**2-05/98 Prayers
& Sunshine
For all the families snowed in
throghout the United States, Among them my daughter Donna and her famliy
in Cookville Tn, My friend Lolly and all her neighbors in McKee, KY. Pray
the storms predicared this weekend are kinder, Pray to God to please turn
off the snow.. Jan aka Beach...
**/2-05/98 Prayer for
my friend Sharon in Bakersfield,
California. michael insley <[email protected]>
**/2-05/98 Prayer for
Laura...She has cancer
, and her time on earth may be short. I pray she will come to know God before
she enters eternity...Thank you, Sandy Sandy Sischo
<[email protected]>
**/2-05/98 I would like to add
Debby Ross to your sunshine list.
She just found out that she did not get a job she was hoping for. Thank you,
**/2-04/98 Prayer for Healing of relationship
with several family members.
& Sunshine
A good job for older dau. Lisa.
Finances for only son, Patrick in Atlanta, GA. LM Vredenburgh
<[email protected]>
**/2-04/98 Prayer for my kids, Debbie,
Dave, Kristi & Geneva. &
A ray of sunshine sure
wouldn't hurt either. Thanx so much .... :-)) Cloudy
<[email protected]>
**/2-02/98 Prayer for
[email protected] and family,
may they find there way to happiness.
**/2-01/98 Prayer for Pam's sister for full
recovery & Sunshine
for Pam
<[email protected]>
**/2-01/98 Sunshine for Barb
<[email protected]>
January 1st - 31st 1998
** 1/28/98 Ilana and Greg Keep thy
**1/28Diana <[email protected]> Prayers
for her son &
** 1/28/98 for all my family & friends.
** 1/28/98
Please pray for President Clinton
and our nation. Let's pray that he and our nation repent and turn back to
God. Pray that Mrs. Clinton and Chelsea will have the strength to endure
what they are having to face during this time of trial. Jane
** 1/27/98 Prayer
forTexasmates husband he has
heart surgery monday. Send prayers to the family via Shinerbirdlady
for Texasmate husband to <[email protected]>
** 1/27/98 Prayer for Jediprincess's daughter
in law and Family she is
only 20 and had a brain aneurism, and its left her deaf and blind and she
is pregnant too and they don't know how its effected baby. Send prayers to
the family via Shinerbirdlady for jediprincess to <[email protected]>
** 1/26/98peace in Northern Ireland..and
all over the universe.
** 1/26/98 louise, and her 3 young
** 1/23/98
Dave O'Brien, 12
years old Juvenile Diabetes. <[email protected]>
**1/22/98 For my friend Laurel
peace of mind for her family.
** 1/22/98 For my friend Debra
peace of mind for her finances
and family.
Paul Turner [email protected]
from someone not rude..
**1/21/98 For you
LMVredenburgh &
for all your prayers requests.
for Cyndi, for Strength to continue
with therapy, school and to keep custody of Jess & Eddie. Pray
for little Jess who has Ebstein's Anomaly and is in failure again.
for Barry, Jr. in his loss of
his beloved lab Issac.
** 1/15/98 from the 'Trouble Tree' Prayer
request for Bonnie Bonnie, my
72 yr old Aunt had a massive stroke December 4. She has undergone two surgeries
and had been in a deep coma since. She is off all life support and continues
in the coma. Please pray for her, the doctors, and her two children. Please
send prayers and notes of encourgement to her family at [email protected]
Thank you, May God Bless You and Enrich Your Life.
for all my friends and family
and for those of the world who are hungry and homeless. God Bless you all.
From <[email protected]>
to Kymberly Martin Castellanous
Of Miami Florida..From <[email protected]>
Jim Spivey he has been told he
has cancer
**1/14/98 My friend, Nina
peep, UIN : 1802538 > just knocked down by a car this morning, shez now
still in hospital and may die soon.. I'd like to pray for her
**1-13-98 My husband Augie Schimenek, came thru the angioplasty fine, they put a stent in to try to keep the artery open to the heart. Thank You all who prayed with me..
** 1/13/98 Number one news story of the year... Remembr Gail from Indiana a young mother in a coma on Christmas Night ... All your prayers have come true, she finally wole up last night app 10:15 PM CST and knew who she was. Praise the Lord.. I know her husband , baby Tyler nad all her family want to say Praise the Lord and thank allof you for all the prayers and well wishes..
**1-12-98 &
<[email protected]>
LA USA - Monday, January 12, 1998
**1-12-98 Prayer for my husband Augie Schimenek,
He had another angina attack
on Sunday and they admitted him after 9 hours in ER.. He has to have
heart catherization again to see if arteries are blocked again.. Thank
you and God bless you all Jan aka beach BeachMarks Card Shop. Mail Cards
best wishes to:[email protected]
** 1-10-98 Prayers
& Sunshine
<[email protected]> Sherry
Presently going through a devastating separation...difficult on my sons as much as myself...emotionally and financially. Just pray for us (just to make it through this...we only want our basic more)
** 1/7/98A prayer for my brother
as he had surgery and will
have to wear a colostomy bag for 4 to 6 months. His family is giving him
a hard time and I know that he will need lots of strength in the near future.
Barb <[email protected]>
** Lynne's Black Lab "Isaac", with pneumonia Lynne herself is scheduled for knee surgery next Thurs. am ( 01/15) so we ask prayers for that too that all will go well. Lynne herself is scheduled for knee surgery next Thurs. am ( 01/15) so we ask prayers for that too that all will go well. In His Love, LMV
** 1/7/98 Prayers please for friend Sally's
husband, Jerome---went to work
on Monday and at end of day was Let Go! Has been there a long time
and a good salesman! They are crushed! He in late 50's , not able
to retire yet! May this bring them both closer to Lord and not further
away, we pray. LMV
** 1/7/98 Please pray for dear friend
Roberta----lost a dear, precious
grandau. Aleshia age 13 this past year ( May) and the Holidays were very
sad. Last few days, problems with her vision and has Dr. appt. tomorrow,
Wed. January 7th. Maybe a cataract??LMV
**1/6/98 From Jan: Prayer and get
well wishes needed for lainer
my programmer, she is so sick with with the flu, she has not been online
for a week. We can't start the new card shop until she is well enough
to write the script.. write to : [email protected]
** 06 Jan 1998
<[email protected]> Please add Virginia
to your prayer list. She is in
the hospital in Atlanta after a serious heart attack. She is in critical
condition. Thank you. Anne F. Bellenger
** Prayers for Colin Todd undergoing
marrrow surgery The fathers address
is [email protected]...
** Prayer for
** 1-03-98 Prayer for Mira's friend who has
** 1-02-98 Prayer for Jerry Campbell in St.
George Ut. In hospital with heart
** 1-02-98 Andrea Gunderson
<[email protected]> Please pray for my parents to know God and
her extended family who has had illness.
** 1-02-98 Prayers again today for Gail
in Indiana, she will be going
into surgery today to insert a tube for feeding and to come off the ventilator.
They are looking at long term Hospital care, as she is still in a coma.
Please send prayers and well wishes to the family to:
[email protected]
** 1-02-98 Shryl and her husband,
** 1-01-98 Heavy prayers
are still needed for Gail in
Indiana. she is still in a coma. She has a 9 month old baby,
who needs her. Send prayers and letters to Gail at
[email protected] Thank You all Jan aka Beach
1-98prayer for a friend her name
is Francis she has cancer. mary <marynrose>
Prayer for
**1-0 1-98 Prayer for Jackie
**1-0 1-98 Linda M. Vredenburgh continue
to renew her faith.
**1-01 -98 Prayer for Joshua the dog that
he is adopted.
**Melody Pedersen <[email protected]>
and friend Phyllis and 6 young adults who were killed in a car accident
on Christmas Day,
** 1-01-98 Linda Bertoni and Family
<[email protected]>
Donations Accepted Mail to: Jan Schimenek | P O Box 7615 | St Petersburg Fl 33734
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Text & Web Layout - Copyright © August 1 1996, 1997, 1998 by Jan Schimenek