You Can Run
See related story at the bottom of this page.
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If you slip and fall let me know, we will give you a boost back on the wagon and another 'Beach Thumbs Up'
From: <[email protected]> Date: Mon, 12 Apr 1999
hello, let me help you stop smoking. i am 36 as i write this. i have smoked on and off for 15 years. not a big smoker just enough. when i say just enough. i mean just enough to take my life in a short time. last week i had some trouble breathing, i went to the dr. they drew blood gas the blood gas was low. guess what here it is i have EMPHYSEMA no joke. so that ends that including my life in time . so if you want to keep smoking you go ahead, see you in the hospice.
** May 7th,1999 <;-) A Beach Thumbs up to" Tim Perry "
From: <[email protected]> Date: Fri, 16 Apr 1999
Hello fellow quitters, I am a 52 yo male that has been puffing since I was 14 yo. I was in Philadelphia on business in a hotel one night when I woke up coughing like hell.
I coughed so hard that I was actually sweating and it was about 60 degrees in my room. For some reason at that time I decided to quit after many other attempts. Driving home I smoked my last cigarette. June 3 of this year will be my second anniversary of not smoking Tim Perry
SAGA Software CRIS Program, Sr. Technical Consultant
From: [email protected] Date: Mon, 12 Apr 1999
I quit smoking on October 5, 1998... I eel so much better, both physicaly and mentally!!
From: [email protected] Date: Fri, 9 Apr 1999
Subject: Please S*T*O*P
You can do it. Sept 1, 1997. Used the patch for three weeks. I did it for me and for my husband who has never smoked. How did he put up with the smell for so many years? I can't stand it now. You'll get past the anxiety, the fear and yes, one day you will NOT crave it ... Good luck to you all. My prayers are with each and every one of you.
I'm 19 years old and I have been smoking for the past five years and i really don't like i only do it because others do it to including my boyfriend and close friends. Now that I am in college the pressure is even worse because everyone expects you to be different what they really mean that been different is been exactly like everyone else that smoke between classes two to four cigarettes one after the other. Can you please send me information through the e-mail MY E-MAIL is [email protected]. I would really appreciate if you could help me go through this phase. Sincerely yours
** April 7,1999 <;-) A Beach Thumbs up to" HQHULL" From: [email protected]
Hi. My mother died of lung cancer from smoking in Feb 1997. I quit smoking in May 1997. In the last two weeks I've started smoking at night again and I'm totally disgusted with myself. Can anyone give me advice -w ill it be easier to quit the second time? I've been smoking since I was fourteen and now I'm 38. Help! I don't want to go throught that awful withdrawal again!
** April 7,1999 <;-) A Beach Thumbs up to" Tonya Smiley" From: "TONYA SMILEY" <[email protected]>
I'm Tonya and I quit smoking around March 7, 1998. I smoked close to 3 packs a day and had done so for over 15 years. My mom was just diagnosed with lung cancer. She smoked for 30 to 40 years. She finally quit. Both of my brothers have quit since our mom was diagnosed. That was only 3 weeks ago. I quit because I was asked if I had been diagnosed with asthma and that scared me. Since I quit I haven't had any breathing problems and my allergies cleared up. It has been one year and a couple of weeks since I quit and that was the best decision I ever made. I just hope that I quit in time and my lungs and body have a chance to repair itself.
Subject: non-smoker for 6 months, I was reading thru some of the "confessions" the ex-smokers mailed in and related to all of them in one form or another. I was a smoker (2Pack a day) for 30 years, I am 42 years old and the reason I quit was concern from my husbands point of view. I am a little overweight dont get any exercise except at work and a heavy smoker so he felt I was a great candidate for a heart attack or worse-Cancer. I did the patch and the transition was so easy I could'nt believe it. I still have very tiny cravings every now and then, but for the most part it's as if I never smoked a day in my life. All of my family has been very supportive to where they dont smoke around me plus my husband has taken to smoking in the garage. Now that is concideration. Let me add that my Mother quit also after smoking 3 packs a day for 44 years. Thank-you God we could'nt have done it by ourselves. Beau
[email protected] Subject: Smoke-ending
Hey, guys! I'm here to tell you it can be done! I started smoking at the ripe old age of 23 back in 1972 -- a few months shy of my 24th birthday. Worst move I ever made. I thought friends who were smoking were cooI and I wanted to see what I'd been missing. After several attempts at quitting -- twice on the patch, once through hypnosis -- I finally quit smoking the beginning of November, 1998 and I am so thankful to God I did. It feels different for me this time than it did all the other times I quit. It's hard to explain unless you've been there. I, too, get tempted but I don't succumb, usually it's during some emotional crisis that I might get the urge to smoke. I just say no. Back in November, I would just put it off if I got a craving, now I just say no, and the craving passes, I've found. I have experienced a heaviness in my chest sometimes when I've walked fast. I've had all kinds of tests and they haven't found anything wrong with me. I guess it's some sort of residual something left over from all the years of smoking. I'm hoping it will go away at some point because I'm ready to start a walking exercise regimen. Oh, well, THERE IS LIFE AFTER CIGARETTES! Roz Stewart
i quit smoking 2 months ago - went on the pill as well as the patch - only stayed on them about 2 or 3 weeks - been sick since day 1 - had the flu - got over that caught a cold - dizzy - and the biggest problem has been shortness of breath - been to the emergency room - have had a complete physical - X-rays - blood work - 3 EKG's - tread mill - every thing OK - best the doc can figure is "Anxiety" - has anyone else had this problem with major breathing problems after you have stop smoking - i didn't have this problem before. sincerely Tom Hudson
I quit on December 23rd. 1998. I smoked at least a pack and a half a day for fourty years. cindy <[email protected]>
I quit June 8th, 1998 and feel much better now. I am so proud of myself.
Subject: Quitters
Hi everyone. I am so glad I found this page. I am 37 years old and have smoked for 25 years!!! My husband is 40 and has smoked just as long. Well tomorrow is the big day!!! we both go to the Doctors to quit. At 8:15 tomorrow morning. And I am scared to death. silly huh? I am ready, not so sure hubby is but I can't do it alone. I know its going to be WW111 in this house but its time!! Well wish us luck.. I'll let you know how we do. Any words of encouragement will be greatly appreciated!! Thanks Diane [email protected]
Hi,I have been quit for 5 weeks TODAY!! Hopefully, it will continue for 5months, 5 years. and possibly 5 decades!!!Keep Smiling! ~Jo~
Boy doesn't that sound good. Its day 18 for me. I am using the new nicotrol
inhaler. It's like a cigarette holder and you insert nicotine cartridges in
it. I like it because it gives me control where the patch doesn't, even more
than the gum I think and its more convenient. Also it gives my mouth
something to to, though I may end up with a chewing on things habit. Its
worth it to me. I find I am naturally cutting down on the nicotine because
all I have to do is wait longer between changing the cartridges but I can
still have the holder for my hands and mouth to be busy. Its the easiest
quit I have ever had. I have smoked for about 28 yr.. My husband still
smokes (in the house) but I haven't been cranky or anything. Good luck and e-mail me If you want. Dawn [email protected]
I have been smoke free for 6 days. This is a major accomplishment for me. This is about the 10th time I have tried. I have the will power this time..Lawana
Hello, my name is Tammy. Iam 28 years old, & I have smoked since I was 13. My father has very bad heart disease. He had his first heart attack and by-pass surgery when he was 33. My doctor told me this week that I am heading down the same road. I enjoy smoking & smoke about 2 packs a day. But I am ready quit!!! My doctor prescribed Zyban. But I can,t start taking them until I finish my antibiotics for bronchitis. My lungs have been in alot of pain for 2 weeks. I am going to need alot of support.Tammy Sheffield [email protected]
dear quitters in sept 93 i ask god if he wanted me to quit to give a sign he did that has been almost 4years that i havenot smoke from [email protected]
** Jan. 13th, 1999 <;-) A Beach Thumbs up to" Jimenez, Laurie" From: "Jimenez, Laurie" <[email protected]>
I quit October 5th, 1998, after several attempts. What worked for me....Zyban and the 7mg patch (I was a pack a day smoker for 20 years). Neverfelt better in my life. I actually can breathe, fearful of someday walking around with an air tank connected to me, my time had come, time to quit. Now, three months after (it hasn't been easy), I can now say, a day will go by, and I wouldn't had thought about a cigarette. Good Luck to you ALL!!!!
I am in day 14 of no cigarettes. Co-workers stopped by using ZYBAN. I was down to only 5-6 smokes a day but just couldn't stop the last few. I started ZYBAN once a day and set my quit date for December 18. I didn't want to wait until New Years because of previously failed attempts on that day. I experienced a some side effects from the medication. Mild tremors in my hands and difficulty sleeping. I co-incided my QUIT date with the first day of my XMAS vacation so that I would be away from my stressful job and association with other smokers. Now whenever I see someone light up I sing out loud "I'm smoke free. No smokin for me" I still think about smoking on ocassion but have no real desire to light up. My wife and kids are telling me I am doing a good thing for myself. I had been smoking for about 3.5 years this time around after being off nicotine for about 5 rears. I am really determined not to get caoght up in this addiction again.
Hello! I just quit smoking 10 days (Nov 24) ago after a visit to my primary care physician. I could not understand why it had been so hard for me to breath during my regular work outs or when I was hiking. I have always smoked and been active so of course I never blamed the cigarettes. However, the older I get the more my body is tired of bouncing back from smoker to active person on a daily basis. My doctor did several tests and it seems that everything was okay until he had me do a "breath test". Since I am 27 he did not expect to see that I was only breathing at 50% of my lung capacity. As you know this could lead to many health problems. Anyway, he put me on a smoking ending plan where I could choose the patch or gum. I did not want to try Zyban as I believe it treats problems I do not have. I chose the gum and have been successfully chewing for 10 days.I wanted to see if you had any information on the success rates for the various types of smoke ending programs. I really owe it to myself, the people who love me and the environment to stick to this decsision. Any information and/or direction would be helpful. Thanks for being there- Janelle
[email protected] Fri, 4 Dec 1998
[email protected] Subject: A happy nonsmoker FINALLY!!!
<Hiya>I smoked for 22 years and and tried unsuccessfully to quit many different times. I think it was because I was always quitting because of pressure from friends or relatives and it never seemed to be my choice. I loved smoking cigarettes...plain and simple. I had always said though that when I felt that it affected my health, I would quit. About a year and a half ago I realized that I was coughing much too often and that I seemed to always carry a bottle of water around because of it. As much as I didn't want to, I had to admit it was the cigarettes and not a cold or allergy all the time. I made up my mind and one afternoon I threw the pack I was smoking away, along with every ashtray in the house. I haven't had a cigarette since. I have been a non smoker for over a year and a half now. I truly believe that you can only do it for good if you want it for yourself. Good Luck to anyone that is trying....Write me if you need a buddy for support. I'll be glad to help all I can....Susie
Helpful hint> Chewing gum makes your jaws ache...try tic tacs. Set them anywhere you used to smoke so you can reach for them.
From: "Patty" <[email protected]>Subject: Help me to quit smoking!!I need to quit smoking or I will not be around when I turn 50, I am 43 now.any suggestions or support out there?
I smoked 2-3 packs a day for 13 years, then 1 pack a day for 2 years.It took me several tries to quit, and a lot of talking to myself and many behaviorchanges. My father told me something that haunted me until I succeeded in quitting: "Yes, ofcourse we all have to go sometime. But do you really want to suffer the last 15 to 10 yearsbefore you die? Do you want to spend the end of your life sick and unhealthy?" I had seenenough people living lives limited by poor health, and had seen somedie at the bitter end, to know that he was right. As any emergency room doctor or nurse will tell you, mostof what kills people or gives them cronic illness is self-imposed. I am so glad to be taking care of myself now... I want to enjoy life. I quit 10 years ago, and it's the singlebest thing I ever did. Kris Faria [email protected]
** August 24,1998 <;-) A Beach Thumbs up to"Willie Kemp"
I quit smoking after 15 years of smoking 9 years ago. I am proud to besmoke free. Willie Kemp [email protected]
I was a 2 pack a day smoker for nearly 26 years. I told myself I wouldn't quit because I liked it. That's what they all say. I could hardly walk two feet without being totally out of breath. One day my mother told me that someday because I didn't care about anything but myself ,because I chose to continue smoking that my husband would be spending his retirement with someone else because I would not live to enjoy it with him. I was devastated that my own mother would say that to me, but how true that was. I was 50 lbs. overweight and smoked like a chimney. My husband had decided he was going to stop smoking after 27 years of it and I said I would quit with him. (We had said that before and made up excuses to start smoking again.) This time we quit. We had the mindset that we wanted to live and be healthy. It has been 4 years now since we put those nasty, smelly, totally controlling things down and have not even had the urge to start again. (We would not even go anywhere we couldn't smoke.) I have not ever felt so free and so unshackled as I have since I quit. It is pretty bad when you won't even go to your mailbox without your pack in case you get locked out of the house. I wish everyone could understand the dependency you get when you put one of those things in your mouth. It is not easy to quit, but it is the best thing in the world to try and try , until you are successful. Your life is certainly well worth the effort. I am now in great health and lead a perfectly normal life.
My brand new Husband, Carl and I quit smoking on the internet together over ONE year ago. We quit before we met each other in person. (We haven't been apart since we met, NOR have we needed a cigarette.) We are VERY proud of each other, we had both smoked for years. We spend the $30 a week NOT smoking going out to dinner, going to the movies or on beannie babies !!! We did add a pound or two that we are working on now, but we FEEL GREAT !!!! Suzy Rief
<[email protected]> Organization: Bjourgonn's Gift Emporium
Two years smoke-free and still going! I just found this link today, and I think it is awesome! I have read several stories on here, and I congratulate every single person who has either quit or has made the decision to quit. I began smoking at the tender age of 13 when it was "so cool" to be included with the gang because you did so. After smoking for seven years, I quit in June 1996. I decided to quit because I was to be married three months later and I was also having my wisdom teeth extracted and did not want to cause any complications with that. Also, my husband and I wanted to start off smoke-free (he too is an ex-smoker). I was up to two packs a day when I quit, and I enjoyed each and every smoke that I had. I have not had a cigarette to this day, although my hubby has slipped three times which did not last very long (especially during UPS strike). I turned over new leaves when I quit, and I could not believe how great food tasted! IN addition, I have helped over a half-dozen of my co-workers to kick the habit. I have found a new strength in me I never knew I had. So, if any of you need words of encouragement, please e-mail me at [email protected]
my name is Michelle, and I started smoking about 2 yrs ago, well, my boyfriend was really concerned about me smoking, and he asked me to quit, and I am very proud of my self cause i have accomplished my goal. It's a good feeling to know that you have enough will power to resist the urge of lighting up. I know that if you try hard enough, you can quit. Bye Bye<[email protected]>
Subject: FINALLY, I am very proud to say is 6 months that I am a NON SMOKER!!
Very proud of myself and thanks the good Lord for the courage and giving
people the knowledege to invent somethingto help people QUIT! Thanks Penny
** May 28,1998
<;-) A Beach Thumbs
up to"Brenda" <[email protected]>
I have seen the proud quitters site on this page for a while, but never had a reason to send e-mail to it until now. I have not had a cigarette for 2 days, and am praying that the Lord will continue to give me the strength that I need to fight the cravings. So far so good, and I feel so much better. It is wonderful to have a sight like this where one can draw strength while fighting such an addiction. Thank you.
I just found your site. I quit somking 1yr.4mos ago Thanks to the lord.Thats the truth I requested prayer one night for pain in my chests from bronchitis, and I felt his healing power I didn't even ask to quit smoking that night . But I haven't smoked since then. Later the next day I did ask the Lord , if he would help me with the cravings if I had them , that I would not go back to smoking on my own. And he has. Sincerely Sallie Rogers
I am now into my 6th day of no smoking for the upteenth time. This time I know it is for good, though, as I do it for me. My husband is still smoking, but every day he feels just a little more guilty I think the word is. I do not pressure him, but I think that the Lord is working on his heart. I sent messages to all of my ICQ friends and family, and they are really being supportive with their thoughts, words, and prayers. I was surfing and saw this and thought, Cool..more support!! Thank you for having this here..it is an answer to prayer this morning, as morning cravings seem to be the worse. I keep busy to keep my mind off it, and I have plastic straws on hand to chew on. Every day I see an improvement on my smell and taste. I will keep coming back to this page for my support. Please remember me in your prayers.Thank You EV
Subject: A Smoker/Chewer Quits!! Howdy!! I'm sending this in for my husband. Est had been smoking for over 40 years, certain times more heavily than at other times. One day in Mar 95, while out in the tractor, toolbarring (summer fallow?) the ground, my husband started coughing and coughed up a bit of blood. He said to himself, "You stupid fool! What do you want with these things that are making you sick!" He wadded up the pack, thru them out on heground and buried them with the toolbar. Instead of smoking, he upped his chewing consumption. I hated that worse than smoking. But that's how he handled his addiction. Then, on 19 Aug 96, his horse stepped in a prairie dog hole, fell and tossed Est out on his head. After 3 1/2 days in a coma, he was "awake" but not really with us. He was terribly confused, angry, etc. that comes with a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). Part of his problem, I truly believe now was nicotine withdrawal. The doctors were so busy treating his life threatening injuries, that they never paid attention to his habit. While he has no memory for another 3 weeks, let me tell you that he a BEAR, wanting his chew. Hospital rules, he couldn't have it. Then we transferred to a rehab hospital and it, too, was non-smoking. Now we had (& still have) a different problem...acute smells disorder. Certain scents (cigarette smoke being one of them) affect him to the point of instantaneous throwing up. He has no desire to smoke or chew now, can't stand the smell of it!! It never bothered me (never smoked ever), but I'm glad he doesn't do either one anymore and has no desire to. Thanks Laura
Answer: John, when I quit smoking, I began an exercise program of walking, my grandson bought me this book. "Walkfit for a Better Body" by Kathy Smith. It helped a lot...Beach @ BeachMarks Card Shop
Subject: smoking excercises Dear Earthlink, My girlfriend has quit smoking just for me. Isn't that great? Anyways, we are both 20. I am an avid tennis player. I am in relatively excellent shape. She was a cheerleader in high school and a soccer player. Her problem now is that she wants to get back into the shape she was in only 2 years ago. I try to take her running or excercising with me, but she cannot go more than 5 minutes before she coughs up a lung. My question: Are there any excercises that are out there that would help to slowly bring back her lung capacity and heart strength? I have looked all over the web for some excercises, but have been unable to find any. If you could help me it would be greatly appreciated. Signed, John Sherwood cfsboss @ ezl.com
Subject: Smoked for 10,been quit for 16 and a half !!! When I was about 24,I had just given my life to the Lord,but,I was still smoking.Knowing this was a bad testimony,I really felt guilty.
One day about 6 mo. after i'de gotten saved,I lost some money I'de earmarked for groceries.In those days,20 dollars was A LOT for us.Anyway,my 5 yr old daughter had gone to kindergarten that morning and I'de lost the money at about 10 am.I remember having it in the bathroom,then the next thing I remember I'm in my bedroom w/no money! It was like i blacked out! Anyway,i searched ALL DAY LONG for this money and,finally,about 3:00,I prayed,"Lord,if you help me find this money,I promise I'll quit smoking". My daughter came home from school and I asked her to help me find some green money and she went STRAIGHT to my jewlery box,picked it up,and brought it to me and asked, "Mommy,is this it??" There was NO WAY she could've possibly known where it was cause I lost it AFTER she went to school and you couldn't see it under my jewlery box,because it was folded up so small. I THEN prayed,Lord you have to help me cause i CAN'T do it on my own. I smoked the last cigerette in the house that nite,got up the next morning and NEVER had the FIRST withdrawl symptom!!!!! EVER!! It was the hand of God,and I haven't even had a drag,since.
My wife and I quite Jan 16, 1998. After 32 years of supporting the tobacco industry we figured it was time to lend out support to other issues. Over the years I've tryed every gimmick that came along nicorette gum; life signs;tapes; hypnotism;patches;stop smoking clinics and now Zyban. Well it has been close to 4 months and no smoke and no divorce. I would recomend the use of Zyban to anyone. We stayed on the drug for 6 weeks (2 weeks prior to stop date and 4 weeks after). You still "gottawanna" but the "monkey" on your back is a bit smaller. Physically we don't feel any better at this time by not smoking. We both really feel that people who claim that they do is due to more wishful thinking than fact. Mentally however, we do feel a sence of accomplishment. Good luck to all.
Hi Fellow Quitters, I quit Nov. 23, 1997. So far, so good. This isn't the first quit for me. The last time, I managed to stay smoke-free for three years. For one year, before the last time. This time, I hope it's for good. Something I've always known.....smokers stink. I love smelling good.
I had smoked since I was 15. As a nurse I knew the dangers of smoking all too well, but I didnt listen to the warnings until one of my patients was newly diagnosed with emphysema. He had smoked many years and I got to see the sheer fright in his eyes when he couldn't get his breath. While he sat up clinging to the side of the bed with all of his respiratory muscles tightening more with each breath, his wife was waving a magazine in front of his face to help stir up some more oxygen for him. I immediately imagined my husband in her shoes and I decided that I had better things to do with the rest of my life than be stuck in the "drive for breath" everyday. That was April 9th, 1997 when I quit and I feel FREE!!! One of the biggest advantages of my choice is that I will get to spend more time on this earth with my dear sweet husband and I cant imagine anything better than that.
Hello everyone I am a 47 yr old who up until 4 yrs ago april the 8th for my b'day on the 5th. I quit after 25 yrs of smoking and am very glad thatthe Lord above helped me kick this nasty habit. May the Lord Jesus Christ bless this Home page and may it grow,
I stopped smoking on Jan 18th and I still want a cigarette sometimes. I've also gained a wonderful 14 pounds.
Hi, my name is Wayne and although I don't have much of a story about why I decided to give up smoking, I am proud to be a non-smoker. I stopped smoking Feb 27th, 1998 and with the aid of nicotine patches have been able to stop smoking without much effort. The reasons that I decided to stop smoking are as follows:
1. My eldest son (six years old) is an asthma sufferer.
2. My other son (five years old) was getting chest infections for no real reason.
3. I felt that I needed to stop smoking and clean up my health.
4. Although my personal hygiene was great, I still had the horrible smell in my clothes, hair and breath.
5. The price was getting out of hand at A$14.00 per pack, I could no longer afford to burn this much money.
I could probably list another 20 good reasons for my giving up smoking but I won't bore you with the details... All I want to say now is that I feel so much better, my son's health has improved and the house and car smell much better these days. Regards from Wayne
I quit 16 years ago I'm very proud of my success.now if I can get my husband
to quit it will be even better.
** April 14th
1998 <;-) A Beach
Thumbs up
to"Shirley Battley
" [email protected]
I have quit smoking and it was 6 wks on Easter Sunday. i really would
like to hear from others that have quit, just to keep me on the right track,
I don't plan to ever start back and I am very proud that I was able to put
them down. I am a registered nurse and certainly have seen the problems smoking
can cause,this is great to have a quitters place on the web.
** April 9th
1998 <;-) A Beach
Thumbs up to"Lisa's Husband" Gtrfootbal
<[email protected]> my husband had to go into surgery march 10th 1998
the doctor told him he needed to quit in order to heal faster. at that point
he had been smoking up to 4 packs aday. i also smoked but less than a pack
a day. the day he came home from the hospital i had thrown out all the ashtrays
and put my cigarettes down too. i knew if i was tttto help him i had to quit
also, the doctor had said if he continued to smoke he would be uses oxygen
to breathe in not too many years. he is only 46 years young. i love him very
much and to help him and myself wwe are still smoke free now . it is april
8th 1998 almost one month. it isn't to bad for me but i know it bothers him.
please keep us in your prayers that we can stay strong and not light up again.
thank you and god bless you all . lisa
** April 6th 1998 <;-) A Beach Thumbs up to"Laurie" <[email protected]> Yea hoo! I've been a non smoker since January 1, 1996! Feels good. My little brother was so duly impressed with my ability to be a non-smoker that he joined the ranks on Fathers day of 96 as a Fathers day present to his daughter! Cool idea huh! Laurie Urbigkit
** April 5th 1998 <;-) A Beach Thumbs up to"Kim"<[email protected]> Hello, It's been one year today that I stop smoking boy I didn't remember till I seen this I feel so much better now I know why people say you smell bad when you smoke that is no lie when I get by people who smoke I smell them.Kim
** April 4th 1998 <;-) A Beach Thumbs up to"J Fish" I am planning on quitting tomorrow, April 5, 1998! Had an aorta bi-femoral bypass 5 months ago and if I don't quit will have to have one again! So, trying to think smart and give up the ugly habit! Doing it with the help of Zyban! I have visited just about every site on the internet to help prepare myself! Thank you for having a place to write and read the success stories!
** 1 April 1998 <;-) A Beach Thumbs up to"Cynthia Harding" <[email protected]>
On Feb.1 I quit smoking and haven't had the desire to ever light up again. In fact, just the smell of smoke makes my stomach turn. I feel that if you make up your mind that you want to stop you can do it. I started smoking at the age of 11 so I know it can be difficult as I've tried to quit before,but this time I set my mind to it and had plenty of faith in the good Lord to see me through, and I will keep that faith. It can be done!!!!!! Cynthia
** 1 April 1998 <;-) A Beach Thumbs up to "metrocall20"
Subject: smoke free Hi, I would just like to tell everyone my last day of smoking was Feb.15,1998.Prior to that day I smoked 3-4 packs a day for 20 years.I enjoyed smoking,the taste,the feel of the cigarette,ect.ect.I am 35 and have had a heart attack and other smoking related problems.(blood pressure,lung).I have four chidren and love them to death.It would be an early death if i continued smoking.I want to walk my daughters down the isle.I want to see my son make it to the majors...
Has eveyone heard of a pill called Zyban?WELL IT WORKS !!!I was a non believer untill I started taking it.I set a date to quit 2 weeks after I started Zyban.On that day I just stopped!Never had a craving to smoke since that day.Yes I would still like to smoke.but the urge is gone.IT IS AMAZING..It is well worth the money spending.So please call your doctor..make an appointment....get the prescription....and start a smoke free life....You will be giving yourself and your loved ones a gift...a gift of life. I realize this sounds like an infomercial,but it has really helped me and I hope by telling everyone it can help someone else too!!! Thanks for giving me the opportunity to tell someone
** 31Mar 1998 <;-) A Beach Thumbs up to "PMcCoy" <[email protected]>
Subject: I am A Quitter.... I know that cigarettes are addictive.. I did not know till about a year after I quit smoking. In June 1987 when one of our son's graduate from high school I asked his young brother, who was to graduate the same time the very next year what he wanted for his graduation.
He said, "Mom, I just want you to stop smoking".
Seemed like a cheap gift, but immediately I regretted the question, I had tried before.
Something was different this time, it was all my 17 year old son wanted in life. So, being the wonderful mother I am, had to get that in, I decided that I would give him his wish. From that day forward every time someone got upset because I lit up, I would say, "yes, I am quitting the day Richard graduates". Of course I and no one else, thought I could do it. I had tried so many times before. For one year I told myself I will quit on that specific date and told everyone else the same thing.
Well, like I said, it was one year later when my daughter graduated that I realized I had not smoked since the year before. I had mentally told myself for 365 days that I was going to stop. The night before my son's graduation I had thrown the cigarettes, the lighter and the cigarette case out the window of the car. And another 365 days had passed, (without the want, the need, the dream or even the craving for a cigarette), since the moment they left my hand.
I had not quit, I had altered my brain, just as when someone is brainwashed. I no longer wanted the cigarettes, and the mind was now telling me this, just as it had so many years told me it wanted a cigarette. So, when they say cigarettes do not alter the mind, I have to strongly disagree because I had to alter my mind back, to STOP!!!!!
** 30Mar 1998 <;-) A Beach Thumbs up to "CBlueS10"
Subject: I Quit!! Hello< I quit 1 year ago February and it was the smartest thing I have ever done. I had smoked for 23 years.....
** 25 Mar 1998 <;-) A Beach Thumbs up to "Virginia Ann Winn"
I quit smoking after about 40 years, 6 years ago Jan. 27,1992. It wasn't an easy task, but finally got through the tough part, even now every once in awhile a cigarette smells good to me..but in seconds the wanting a cigarette is gone, and to think of all the computer stuff I bought just out of the cigarette money makes me feel very proud. would love to help push anyone back on the wagon..Once you quit it is a whole lot better to stay quit. never think you can smoke just one it doesn't work you will be back doing it as much if not more . so good luck each and every one thumbs up to all of you that have tried and succeded .Virginia Winn [email protected]
**24 Mar 1998 <;-) A Beach Thumbs up to "Ron Martin"A friend sent me the link to your home page. I have been a smoker for 35 years. I have been smoke free since 2/6/98 Six weeks. I was very hard for me,bit i am doing it a day at a time. And so far it been good. I like being a non smoker and with the help of a higher power i will cont. to be Smoke free. Ron Martin From<[email protected]>
** 23 Mar 1998 <;-) A Beach Thumbs up to "Rosalie Stanke"
Hi my name is Rosalie, I smoked for almost 40 years. 1 to 1 1/2 packs a day. I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer July 1989 and still kept smoking. But one day I got in my car and said to myself gee my car stinks and my gosh I must smell like that to. so that was when I decided to quit smoking, I used the nicorette gum to ease me off the cigarettes. I quite smoking in 1990 and I feel so much better, I must say I still have cravings at times but I always say to myself I have invested all this time not smoking why would I want to start that all over again. When I look at people who smoke I think how can they do that to their bodies. Quitting smoking is something everyone has to want to do for themselves. My husband was smoking when I quit and it did make it harder but I was determined to quit. The best thing I ever did for myself. <[email protected]>
**Mon, 9 Mar 1998 <;-) A Beach Thumbs up to RDorsey lets all get behind her. RDorsey802 <[email protected]> Subject: quitting smoking I am going to try to quit tomorrow. I'm on my last pack of cigarettes and I'm just not going to buy anymore. I hope that I can be successfull. So many other people have quit and many people say the only way to stop is just to do it. I cannot take Zyban because I take other medicine and I don't believe it would be compatible. Please say a prayer for me that I am successfull. I'll write back in 2 weeks and let you know. My husband smokes also so it won't be easy for me. I'll have to try my best to keep my hands off of his cigarettes. I want to feel better and I don't want to wind up with emphasema.
** Thu, 26 Feb [email protected] I quit 25 days ago, after smoking for 28 years. I am still finding it very tough and I do not ever want to go through tis expierence of quitting again. I think the only thing that is giving me the courage to keep smoke free is the realization that, if I start again,eventually I will want to quit again and I will have to repeat this agony. I have been taking Zyban which has helped, but it is not a miracle cure. I pray I can keep this up. Jacquie<;-) A Beach Thumbs up to Jacquie
The last cigarette I had was on July 11th, I put that smoke out at the entrance to the hospital. Where I stayed for a length of time. After being released I went home with oxygen 24 hours a day may be for the rest of my life. I. also left the hospital with a BI-pap machine that I have to use to finally get some sleep. The lung disease I have is called COPD. Right know I am going to a rehab. Hospital to learn to breath all over again. All these problems i am told are smoke related .<;-) A Beach Thumbs up to Gatorman01
**From: BBLR <[email protected]> 24 Jan 1998 I haven't had a cigarette in 24 hours. Keep your fingers crossed.<;-) A Beach Thumbs up to BBLR
** 03 Jan 1998
[email protected] (Saundra Roberts) I quit smoking June 1, 1997. Reason---My
hubby rushed me to hospital as I was unable to breathe. Diagnosis---Terminal
with a disease called "COPD". Reason---Due to smoking since I was 16. I am
only in my 50's and still have a 17 year old daughter at home. What have
I done? I told her daily I Loved her, but did I....each time I lit up exposing
her to second hand smoke and risking my life? I HEARD the warnings, but I
did not LISTEN. I now Pray that she will forgive me if she finds out she
has any damage to her body due to my smoking. I Pray she will forgive me
for not being here for her-----when she graduates college. When she meets
that someone special and has to go shopping for that special wedding dress
alone. When she gives birth to the most perfect little baby in the world
and wants that baby to know and love its Grandmother. When she is alone,
scarred, or broken hearted and I am not here to comfort and give only what
Mothers can give. When she is so happy and on top of the world and wanting
to share her joy. Please if any of you still smoke or being tempted to go
back..............DON'T! Be there for your children.. They need you, they
want you, they love you. You cannot be replaced. Which is harder --- to quit
smoking or to quit life? I now know the hard way, the final way. Is smoking
legal suicide? Please Pray for my daughter and be a Mother for her in Prayer
as I won't be here myself. Thank you, sajero
<;-) A
Beach Thumbs up to sajero
and a
** 02 Jan 1998 Pamela
Polfus <[email protected]> Subject: DAY 4, MY LAST DAY
<;-) A
Beach Thumbs up to
1 Jan 1998 Subject: Join-Non/smoker Hi Everyone: I am a X smoker! I
would like to join your group and maybe I can help others also. I am 52 and
smoked for "38" years!!!! I always said " Hey, I can quite any time if I
want to" Ya right...been there, done that, said that. Well, its been 4 years
as of New Years! Good Luck to everyone. I'm here for help if you need it.
California is now a NON-SMOKING IN BARS State now! Hugs :0) Betty L.
<;-) A Beach Thumbs up to Barb
I am so glad to have found this site! My name is Barb and I have been smoking for over 20 years. I want to quit this filthy habit, starting Jan. 1 of the coming year. All of my friends have stopped smoking and I am bginning to feel like an outcast. I need all of the help and support I can get! I have quit before but always started back up and this time I want to quit for good!! I lost my mom six weeks ago and I feel that the best thing I can do in her memory is to throw away the cigarettes. I'm going to try my hardest this time and go cold turkey. I have used the patches and gum but always went back to smoking. I considered trying the new pill but after reading the stories on your page decided that cold turkey seemed to work best. Wish me luck! Barb <;-) A Beach Thumbs up to Barb
I can answer that---2/9/88 I had my last cigarette--it was about 20 minutes before I started to sweat and have gas pains? in my chest,I thought it was weird because it was about 65 degrees in my room at the time. I took some anti acid and even some baking soda--but nothing helped,about 15 minutes later I could not stand the pain so I woke my wife and told her that something was wrong--she called the rescue squad (a good thing she did) and they took me to the hospital. Two weaks later they cut open my chest,stopped my heart,and the surgeon took my heart in his hands and connected the veins that he had taken from my leg and gave my damaged heart a new supply line for blood. He told me that my years of smoking had been the main reason I had the attack-- have you ever seen the arteries of a smoker? I have and they dont look anything like a non-smokers.
I know and so do the manufacturers of cigaretttes that they are a drug-once you get hooked it is hard to quit---but if you have a good incentive (such as I did) you can quit. Make a list of all the good things about cigarettes and a list of all thebad things-- Im sure you will find the scond list is much longer. If you are trying to quit keep trying--dont let a a small rolled up tobacco leaf rule your life Dont let yourself get in the same position as I am with a a scar about16 inches long on my chest and a scar on my leg that runs from my ankle to my knee,and a shortened life span. You have been given ! If at first you dont succed try, try again---it will be worth it!. <;-) A Beach Thumbs up toAileen "YEAKS"....
Tue, 09 Dec 1997 From: Aileen Gallagher <[email protected]> I also quit smoking.... my last cigarette was August 15, 1997. I had a $5 bet with my 11 year old niece...... I WON!!!! } <;-) A Beach Thumbs up toAileen Gallagher....
Dear Beach Thumbs Up, My Name is Mary Augur I am 66 years old I lost my Husband twelve years ago, and I live with my son and daughter in-law I went through a recent scare where I had to have throat surgury for nodules on my vocal cords Thank God they turned out to be benighn but I've tried twice since then to quit and its is very rough, I seem to be able to always come up with an excuse why to smoke again, I am trying very hard right now but am still smoking a cigerette in the morning with my coffee, I could sure use some words of encouragement and prayers because this is a habit I want to quit as soon as possible. Please think of me and pray for me. Thank you Mary
(The easiest thing I found when quitting was # 1 never buy the pack of cigarettes and #2 I paced a lot when I craves a smoke GOOD LUCK, I know you can do it..<;-) A Beach Thumbs up to Mary
Hi there. I quit smoking several weeks ago. I really haven't had any problems with it, but I'm obese, and hope that I won't gain any additional weight. I have a smoking husband, and teen son, and hope that they will follow my example. We have 2 small sons too. I believe that God has delivered me from this addiction, since I have had no desire to smoke since I quit, and for that I am thankful. By the way, I did ask God to help me stop smoking, It really is a horrible habit. Smoking really is a form of bondage, and I am glad to be freeof this addiction. Gail Seals
<;-) A Beach Thumbs up to Gail Seals
I quit smoking over ten years ago. I quit cold turkey and haven't craved or even wanted a cigarrette at all. God helped me through it. I didn't have a hard time like everyone said I would. I just quit. Thank God.
<;-) A Beach Thumbs
up to Gregory A. Stewart
Date: Sat, 27 Sep 1997 10:10:54 -0400From: "John Drislan"
<[email protected]>
<;-) A Beach Thumbs up to John Drislan
I quite smoking in February of 1997---had to have an aortic aneurysm operation
and the doctor said he would not do it if I did not quite-------after the
operation he told me if I smoked the implant would become clogged and .........
Had smoked for 49 years, at least one pack and 1/2 per day; and quit cold
turkey!!! Believe that is the only way to quit. Wish I had never started,
I am 65 years old, and as my wife says, when we were growing up it was a
rite of passage.
Date: Tue, 12 Aug 97 02:13:13 PDT From: "Holly Watson"
<[email protected]>
Subject: I'm glad I quit, I quit smoking on December 27, 1991, after smoking
for 18 years. I had tried to quit before, and failed (each time cold turkey)
- but then I realized what it was that made me quit -which was the same thing
that made me start in the first place - an unhealthy, abusive relationship
with my father. Every time I had quit before, when I would go visit him,
he would make life so miserable and I would get so nervous, I'd go back to
smoking. But finally, when I realized that I had to detach from this
denying alcoholic, my life got much more peaceful!! I was able to quit cold
turkey and haven't regretted it for one moment since. I have only seen him
twice since 1991, and one of those time was at my mother's funeral, and I
didn't even 'fall' then. (My mom would have haunted me! She was SO proud
of me for quitting - she didn't smoke - my father had.) It's nice to see
this support 'group' - my main reason for going on through the tough times
was because of my 6 year old son and my loving, supportive (non-smoking)
husband. Holly Watson email: [email protected]
<;-) A Beach Thumbs
up to Holly Watson
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 1997 13:28:12 -0400From: "docsmom"
<[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Quitting Smoking........ I quit smoking 2 yrs. ago last April, joined a gym, worked out faithfully doing aqua arobics, free weights, tread mill, and the stair master for over a year, and still gained 30+ lbs., which doesn't make me a happy camper.
Don't know what I'll do about it, just take it one day at a time I guess...
<;-) A Beach Thumbs
up to "docsmom" and Keep on walking that treadmill
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 1997 15:23:41 -0400 From: Griswald
<[email protected]>
Subject: Quitters, I am not usually proud to be called a quitter, but on this subject I am. I am thankful that every I know has quit. This is of course true except for one person, my sister. I hope and pray to add her name to this everyday. Budbadger
<;-) A Beach Thumbs
up to Budbadger
Date: Sun, 13 Jul 1997 23:45:26 -0500 From: "Bonnie "
<[email protected]>
My daughter, Brandi, decided to quit smoking in October of 1996 due to her own bad health, and also because one of her 3 year old twins has asthma.
Please send her all your encouragement and prayers as she is very stressed out at this time. She has already started smoking again some. I'm hoping someone can share with her how to get through the present stress in her life without smoking. Her name is Brandi aka Lucy Fan Email address:
[email protected] <;-) A Beach Thumbs up to LucyFan
Thanks for all your support and special thanks to the person who started this "Proud Quitters" site.
Subject: quit smoking, I was hypnotized 7 years ago and couldn't believe
that it would work, but I haven't smoked since. I have gained 25 pounds that
i have since taken off. I'm so very glad that I decided to quit and I don't
miss it at all now. Sarrah Kidd ( aka Gretta on the gamezone)
<;-) A Beach
Thumbs up to Sarrah Kidd
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 1997 18:21:40 -0400 From: John Gifford
<[email protected]>
Subject: quitters ,I quit smoking 10 years or so ago..I still have relatives
that do..My mother has emphemsmya (sp) from everyone smoking around her..I
also lost a cousin to cancer of the throat from her husband smoking..My husband
quit when cigarettes went to 50 cents a pack..I want to say how proud I am
of those that have quit..Keep up the good work..I know the difference it
has made in my life..God loves you.. Barb <;-) A
Beach Thumbs up to
Date: Thu, 3 Jul 1997 21:01:01 -0700From: "Koye Goodrow"
<[email protected]>
Subject: QUITTERS: My daughter sent us one of your adorable 4th of July cards tonight. She told me to look at the non-smoking site. What a great thing to do! I quit on February 2, 1997, after smoking for 50 years. I tried a couple of time before ..just couldn't seem to totally quit. I used the patch for 6 weeks...ate sugarless mints...gum, etc. Took it one day at a time. Deep breathing seems to help too. Support of the family is very important. I read everything I could find about quitting. One thing I thought was interesting was I was supposed to "reward" myself with something {with $ I Would have spent of cigarettes} .My husband thought a computer would be a good idea. It has been a GREAT IDEA ! Any time I need a break {used to go outside and "light-up"} I take a break and learn more about my new "life-line". Good luck to you all..If I can do it..anyone can!!! Bye for now... Koye Goodrow {Bob, too}
<;-) A Beach
Thumbs up to Koye Goodrow
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 1997 00:11:05 -0700From: [email protected]
Thank you! for having these wonderful 4th of July fireworks cards! It has cheered me up immensely to be able to send cards to our friends! I quit smoking when our youngest son was married 10 years ago. But, oh, how I loved my cigarettes. If I hadn't been so worried about harming a future grandchild, I would never have had the incentive to stop smoking. It has taken so looong to get over the craving, but I realized just this week that I no longer craved them! I thought that I would have to go the rest of my life craving cigarettes, and it just is not so. Exercise, a hot cup of coffee, or a glass of lemon water really helps when the stomach cramping craving hits. We have a motto in our family."It takes 21 days to make a habit and 21 days to break a habit." Good habit or bad habit, that is how long it always seems to take to establish either type of habit. Thank you for this wonderful site! Sincerely, Momma Mayer
Poppa & Momma Mayer http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/5154/
<;-) A Beach
Thumbs up to'Momma Mayer'
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 1997 11:41:35 -0700 From: Ralph Shuman
<[email protected]>
Subject: Quiters What a wonderful groupe you are , with a little help, maybe I can join. <;-) A Beach Thumbs up to'Ralph' Keep Trying.
****If you slip and
fall let me know, we will give you a boost back on the wagon and another
'Beach Thumbs Up'
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 1997 09:42:44 -0500From: "Rodger Clemons"
<[email protected]> Thanks for the encouragment. I quit this week,June
15 was put them down for good day. It's going pretty slow, but I'm hanging
in there. I have quit smoking!! I'll keep you posted *S*
<;-) A Beach
Thumbs up to'Roger'
Date: Sun, 15 Jun 1997 14:41:19 -0400 From: [email protected] (pat butler)
Subject: You're Just What I Needed, <;-) A Beach Thumbs up to 'Pat Butler'
I can't believe I found your website! I quit smoking three(3) days ago
and finding this site is a godsend to me. It gave me encouragement to go
on. I feel a little divine intervention here - accidently coming across this
website when I needed it most. Thanks for being here. Love, Pat "Here I sit
on my comfy couch - me and my WebTv."
Date: Tue, 3 Jun 1997 21:16:07 -0700From: Meg Nichols
<[email protected]> Subject: Proud Quitters
<;-) A Beach Thumbs up to 'Meg'
Hi, My name is Meg, and I am a very proud quitter, I stopped smoking on January 14, 1997, and I am truly grateful. This was my umpteenth attempt, it is a cunning, baffling and powerful addiction and I have tremendous empathy for anyone who is in the process of quitting, or who wants to quit. I had two very special people die of cancer, and both were always encouraging me to quit smoking, but until I was ready to accept responsibility for my actions and choose to live instead of slowly killing myself by ingesting tar and nicotine, I could not quit or stay quit. I pray for all who are on this path of becoming free from addictions, I am also a recovering alcoholic/drug addict, clean and sober since 02/02/88 and I know that it is not an easy thing to do.
Blessings to you for this wonderful website! Meg Nichols
[email protected]
(I am putting this lady on my Prayer List, this took a great deal of courage
to write this letter for all of us)
<;-) A Beach Thumbs up to 'April '
Date: Fri, 30 May 1997 22:58:45 -0700 From: Dee Dee <[email protected]>Subject: Good luck to all you quitters:
My husband gave up smoking for good April 15th
1997 He was 46yrs old, He went in to
the hospital April 1st and passed away April
15th. If anyone that smokes could have seen his last attemps to breath before
they stuck the big tube down into his lungs that made him gag, he couldn't
talk because it bypassed his larnex,the panic in his eyes. Anyone that could
see what he went through wouldn't need a patch. I'm sure if he could have
looked ahead and saw what his last two weeks on earth were going to be like
he wouldn't have needed a patch either. I wish you all good luck and a long
healthy life. He was a wonderful man and is loved and missed very much. I
hope you all can quit before it is to late. With best wishes, April
Date: Sun, 25 May 1997 01:49:30 -0700 From: Doug Simpson [email protected]
Subject: Great! Hi Proud Quitters'.
I am a proud quitter of over 10 years and I've never looked back at all in order to find a reson to ever want to smoke again.
I am however living with a very sweet lady who is in her 3rd week of not smoking and I am so very hopeful that she will be able to get through all the addictive mind games the nicotene habit can play one us. If possible, it would please me for you to send a message of support to Ellen Nash who is my [email protected] is her mail address. She could definitely use an outside helpfull note of encouragement. It will be coming from an anonymous source so she will hopefully see that there really are people who do successfully give up for good, the nasty habit of smoking tobacco. Thank you so mucy, Doug Simpson
<;-) A Beach Thumbs up to 'Doug Simpson '
I am proud to say that I have been smoke free since April 1, 1997 after going back to smoking for 8 years. I had quit for 6 years previously and when I went to a new job I started again. I am still working at the same job but I decided that I would rather breathe than smoke. I quit because I had a bad chest cold and I got a preview of what it might be like to have severe lung desease and need oxygen every time I took a few steps. Scary thought! You need to breathe to live!
<;-) A Beach Thumbs up to 'Pam'
< for Pam
<;-) Beach
Subject: good for you, Congratulations to all of you have quit smoking.
I quit about 2 months ago and then when I moved
I went back to it please, Please, pray that I quit smoking again. A
big pat on the back for Lolly shes my Sister and she quit smoking using the
patch she smoked for years keep up the good work Lolly.
Date: Fri, 02 May 1997 23:50:20 -0700
<;-) A Beach Thumbs up to Moongrouch
From: MOONGROUCH <[email protected]> Jan, You come up with
the best stuff. I always thought I wouldn't be able to quit----- so I guess
I thought about it and prepared for it for half the time I smoked which
was ((READY?)) fifty (50) years. I did it with the patch and breathing
excercises. End of first week of not smoking, I bought myself a $250 bread
machine for quitting. That was Sept.2, 1992.
Anyone still smoking, come on, join us. Just quit. Use the patch!
[email protected]
Date: Fri, 2 May 1997 21:17:54 -0700 <;-) A
Beach Thumbs up to Rod
From: "Rod Erickson" <[email protected]> I am 64 years old and have
smoked since I was 13, over 50 years!! I love to smoke and have enjoyed it
most of my life. Thanks to smoking I have ruined my lungs and my life, I
do not have cancer yetbut do live with an oxygen tube stuck in my face. I
have tried every method possible to quit with no success until recentlly.
I quit cold turkey the first week in Dec. 1996 and
feel much better and able to breath much better. I did gain weight but hope
now to have that under control also. It can be done hang in there. Of course
like all things, you probally can not quit unless you really have the desire.Rod
Date: Fri, 2 May 1997 06:49:12 -0500 <;-) A
Beach Thumbs up to Laurel
From: "Laurel Johnson" <[email protected]>This is my
9th day of not smoking using the patch. Nothing
magical and wonderful has happened so far. I don't feel better, stronger,
more energetic but maybe that will come.I cannot believe I haven't smoked
a cig in 9 days.
Date: Thu, 01 May 1997 22:46:20 -0500
<;-) A Beach Thumbs up to j.a.bellcourt
From: [email protected] I am proud to say that I quit smoking
2 years ago on April 24th! I quit exactly one
year after my Grandma died(no, not of cancer) She had smoked camel straights
for over 50 years and quit cold turkey 3 years before she died. I figured
if she could do it I could do it too! And if I can do it (I smoked for almost
18 years) I have faith that all of you can stay with it and do it too!!
Date: Wed, 23 Apr 97 20:25:32 PDT <;-) A
Beach Thumbs up to Towne
From: "Towne" <[email protected]> I am proud to have stopped smoking
since Sunday April 6, 1997. (I am doing by using
the patch but I can tell a big difference in the way I feel) I still miss
the cigarettes but am confident I can keep it up.
Date: Wed, 23 Apr 1997 09:31:51 -0500
<;-) A Beach Thumbs up to Janelle
From: Janelle <[email protected]> I
am So Proud....I have been smoke free since Monday,
April 14,
1997!!!!! Only through prayer and the
faith that I have in Jesus Christ!! God Bless You, Janelle
Date: Wed, 23 Apr 1997 13:09:56 -0700
<;-) A Beach
Thumbs up to
From: JANICE TOLES <[email protected]>
Organization: JET-EAGLE DESIGNS I quit smoking in
March of 1973 and have been forever grateful.
Jan Toles
Date: Tues, 22 Apr 1997 09:31:51 -0500
<:-) A Beach
Thumbs up to
Jan Schimenek aka Beach - I am Proud I Quit Smoking
by causing cancer, heart disease and other illnesses, the American Heart Association estimates.
Also of note:
- There are 4300 different chemicals in secondhand smoke. Roughly 60 are known to cause cancer.
- Smoking has decided at least five custody cases in recent years in favor of the nonsmoker.
- Smoking around children has been proposed by many to be a form of child abuse and many feel child-protection agencies should become involved.
- Department of Defense has put out an instruction paper regarding a "Smoke-Free Workplace" dated 7 March 1994,
NUMBER 1010.15.
- Workplace smoke increases the cleaning and maintenance costs of computers, furniture, carpets, and other supplies and equipment.
- Each year tobacco companies spend $4 billion in advertising, that's $11 million a day, or nearly $500,000 an hour. All to replace the 1,200 people who die from smoking every day, and the 3,500 who successfully quit.
- Infants are three times as likely to die from sudden infant death syndrome if their mothers smoked during and after pregnancy.
- Exposing an allergic person to secondhand smoke can constitute "battery", the same legal description applied to punching someone in the jaw.
- Being a supportive friend to the smoker is much more beneficial in aiding them with quitting then being a nagging pest.
- Preparation seems to be the most important key to quitting. Being ready to quit, and knowing what their problems are going to be and then arming themselves with tactics for handling tough times before they quit is the key to success.