The Reason - This Card Shop is Dedicated to my
BeachMarks Card Shop
Free E-Mail Cards for Charity
All Donations received will be forwarded to:
United Cerebral Palsy or All Childrens Hospital
With their wonderful employees and volunteers, our family has been able to live and survive through several surgeries and or seizures that he has had in the past 13 years.
In everyone's life their is a time to give back to society something that has been given you.
Now is my time ...........................
To meet "RANDY" and his
family on-line surf on over to "RYBOYZ CASTLE"
Make a donation to charity in Randy's name. You will receive a 'Thank You Card' and your donation will be forwarded to the charity of your choice with a copy of this page.
Mail Donations to:
Jan Schimenek
P O Box 7615
St Petersburg FL 33734
Please make Checks/Money Orders - Payable to
United Cerebral Palsy or All Childrens Hospital
The Reason for Membership..
...It is a sad commentary on our times that the needs of the charitable groups I support are rapidly increasing. As many of you know, among the charities I support are The All Children's Network and United Cerebral Palsy as well as others. It also saddens me to say that my costs of maintaining this site have increased in the past few months beyond my ability to manage them alone. For these reasons I have modified access to the new card shops as follows:
...To access the new card shops you will need a password. This password is available for a one time membership fee of $10.00
...Canadian 0r Other Countries for Membership add $1.00 to cover postage
**Family PLan; Add $1.00 for each additional password for other family members living in the same household. Welcome package not included for additional member's passwords.
** On receipt of your check or money order you will be mailed a welcome package ($5.50 - $6.50 Value) that will include:
(1) One Greeting Card for you to mail to someone special, A $2.50 - $3.00 value.
(2 One laminated magnet, A $1.00 - $2.00 value .
(3) 1 of our Anytime Note Cards, Appalachia, or Country Angel A value of $.75 -$1.50 each. All of the above items are available at a lower cost when purchased in larger Quantities. E-mail for pricing list.
**There will be minimum of 6-cards and a maximum of 12 cards in each card shop. Along with the music that can be added. Hope you consider jumping in.
** Those of you who have made donations in the past will automatically be sent a password, upon receipt of your e-mail address.
...The Prayer Page, Chicken Soup, Trouble Tree, etc and all other pages like these will remain the same and changes will continue to be made often.
For Membership..Make Checks/Money Orders - Payable to Jan Schimenek
PLEASE Include E-Mail Address
God Bless You All...
All donations over $2 are tax deductible.