May 25th 1997
I have tried to pay tribute to all 'BELOW' who have ever sent in a line or two to put in the tids. If I forgot to say 'THANK YOU" to someone forgive me. You all know who you are... <;-)
I am human after all .... At least the last time I looked anyway..... <;-)
To my daughter 'Adrienne who calls us 'THE RIGHT FAMILY' I say " I am not always right but seldom am I ever wrong "At least the second time /s LOL
Sign up for updates of New Cards, & Chicken Soup for the Soul.
Just type Add Me
LUCKY LOTTO #'S: 9-16-38-45-2-7
There is a 'FAMILY' in Vero Beach Florida who are $27 million dollars richer today.
I know It's not me, I don't live there.... ROTFLMAO
Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening, to friends, family and all other's
who pass by and happen into my life.
I hope this news letter finds all of you healthy and your weekend was a good one.
The weather was great this past week, not too hot yet so that one can still go and take a nice walk without having heat exhaustion.
No major crisis's here this week. My phone hardly rang at all. I am still a part of this universe though, and glad to know all my children are alive and healthy this week anyway. I pray for all of you and them daily.
I added 'Gospel Music' this week to the web pages, I hope you all enjoy....
As time allows I will be making a few changes this week to different sections of the card shops, adding, deleting replacing, etc. Father's Day is approaching and I will toss up a few for "DEAR OLD DAD'
If there is something particular you would like to see on my web pages
let me know and I will do my darndest to get it for you.
Hot News Flash:
May 25th
This will be my last 'TIDBIT', With the Greeting Card Shop on-line becoming increasingly busier and local orders piling up, It is becoming increasingly harder to find the time to create this page. Most of you have already read most of the humor there is to read here.. I will add a funny from time to time and you will be able to find them over at the
It has been a lot of fun over the last 2 years but everything in time must come to an end., but when something becomes a job it ceases to be fun, and this has become a job. I find my self getting stressed out on Sunday mornings, knowing Monday is arounf the corner and the 'Tidbit ' is due to be posted. If anyone finds a good funny they are still welcome to please submit it to me. I will still continue to have several pages of comedy posted out here. They will be dated so that you won't waste time surfing to a page that you have already visited. The 'Daily Guideposts' will continue to be updated on a daily basis and 'Chicken Soup for the Soul' will be changed on a weekly basis. These two additions appear to be the most popular sites visted.
With everyone adding there own chat page to their Web Pages, I did not find anyone home on Thursday night at the old stomping ground in the Chatterboxer channel on mIRC, last week maybe I was late. Maybe we should start planning a reunion for theNew Year's Eve 2001, the year 2000 is already booked everywhere......
You can always page me on-line in Powwow
[email protected] or ICQ 2102281 Powwow has improved their phone
and you can now live chat on it, sure saves the fingers.... It remains my
favorite means of communication to the world...
Add a Name to the Ray of
Prayer Page for anyone out there who needs them.
Join the 'Proud Quitters' and get a Thumbs up from'<;-) Beach
Don't forget the jumping off site at :
If you have a problem reviewing any of the pages let me know and I can
e-mail you a copy
May 26th 1997
Do You Remember ??: <;-) This
is "Gag Rule" Day!
In 1836, the United States House of Representatives adopted what has been called the Gag Rule. One of our staffers inquired if the Gag Rule had anything to do with the food served in the Congressional cafeteria. We were assured that it did not.
This rule was made to restrict needless, overly long discussion about
legislation in Congress. Is anyone listening?
's Movie Review and Getting Old .....California
May 26,1997""
'THANK YOU 'MSPEA' For your contributions to theTIDBITS'
I hope you will continue to do the 'Movie
Review' It remains a popular spot to surf to.....
Sayerez:... Two Cents from
the other end of
California.<;-) May 26,1997 Well, the Pentagon has been spending
$800 for a hammer, and $650 for a screwdriver. The other day, I got a notice
from the IRS saying I owed $17,000.
I sent them a Black and Decker Circular Saw and told them to keep the change.
'THANK YOU SAYEREZ'For your contributions to theTIDBITS.
I look forward to more of your jokes, I sure enjoy them. Beach
'THANK YOU 'LOWJA'For your contributions to
The "Pet Store' was enjoyed by many.
s/ friend I hope to drive to your coast sometime before year's end.
'THANK YOU 'MINDLESS' For your contributions
to theTIDBITS.
Good Luck with your Web Pages, looking /s great Happy Golfing
'THANK YOU 'SWAMPY' For your contributions to
Good Luck with your Gardens this year...... So beautiful... We all enjoyed
your garden help page..
'THANK YOU 'MrUps' For your contributions to
Good Luck with your 'Fireworks' project... /s yursmile Continue to send
me 'Your Good Music'
'THANK YOU 'Flatland and Family' For your
contributions to theTIDBITS.
/s doc../s busy.. Keep on making happy music together..
'THANK YOU 'FENWAY' For your contributions to
My house will forever be easier to keep clean thanks to your 'Household
Hints' /s bigpants
Moongrouch Nevada Surfing
...<;-) May-26-97
'THANK YOU MOONGROUCH' For your contributions to theTIDBITS'
Keep on surfing I know will keep mailing the good humor you find
on the WWW
Ladyem of the St Pete
Sun:<;-)May 26th 1997
'THANK YOU 'LADYEM' For your contributions to theTIDBITS'
Let's do lunch this week!!!!! My treat....
From Sweetfreedom of The New Mexico Rising
Sun:<;-) May 26th 1997
* Kevin Carter, 21, and Michael Harrison, 26, were charged with murder and armed robbery in Boynton Beach, Fla., in December. Motive: to raise money to attend the police academy
* Darrel Voeks, 38, was sentenced to 10 years in prison in Appleton, Wis., in December for stealing $100,000 worth of pigs from his farmer-employer. Motive: to pay for breast implants for a stripper at a club he patronized
* Michael Pollina, 26, pleaded guilty in Chicago in February to three bank robberies. Motive: to pay for a lavish reception that he and his fiancee had planned for their upcoming wedding
'THANK YOU 'SWEETFREEDOM' For your contributions to theTIDBITS'
Looking forward to many more wonderful links from your web pages... *SMILE*
'THANK YOU 'N6REJ' For your contributions to
Wishing you "T" and Elsie much happiness in life and business..... /s slap s/hugs
Do what you can, with what you have, where you are... Theodore Roosevelt
'THANK YOU 'KALAH' For your contributions to theTIDBITS'
I hope you have a baby girl grandaughter /s lullaby and I hope you stay
connected long enough to play more than one hand of spades....
'THANK YOU 'ARCHIE,'For your contributions to
Happy surfing.. Your web page is looking great...
'THANK YOU 'SURFROUND,'For your contributions
to theTIDBITS'
Your view on politics was interesting... Keep on waving ~ ~ ~ ~ /s LOL
'THANK YOU 'Man from Uncle'For your contributions
to theTIDBITS' Your Olympic links were /s wonderful
Keep on writing, looking forward to seeing you published...
WORD of the Week:oviposit
(o´ve-pòz´ît) verb, intransitive
oviposited, ovipositing, oviposits
To lay eggs, especially by means of an ovipositor.
- o´viposi´tion (-pe-zîsh´en) noun
- o´viposi´tional adjective
'THANK YOU 'MR & MRS HUGGS' For your contributions to theTIDBITS'
'THANK YOU 'EVENSTAR' For your contributions to theTIDBITS'
ONE LAST THOUGHT:FROM THE DESK of T-BELLE....Louisiana Thinking: <;-)
Age is something that doesn't matter unless you are a cheese. ~~ Billie Burke
'THANK YOU 'TERRY BELLE ' For your contributions to theTIDBITS'
Well folk's I better get this tidbit posted to the home page..........
I wish you all good health and happiness, and a great day.
I'll be looking for you on-line later in powwow, mIRC, or the game zone, for a chat, a wav or a game.
Have a Great Week!!! < :-) BEACH ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ AT YA'LL !! <;-)
Printser From New York Smiling ... Ö¿Ö Smiles Make the Days Brite <;-)
of the Internet Link Exchange